- Important questions for 2 marks each.
- What is criminalization of politics?
- How is the President of India Elected?
- What is Casting Vote?
- What the difference between Council of Ministers & Cabinet?
- What is the importance of Right to Constitutional Remedies?
- Explain the following terms: a. Dissolution of the House b. Prorogation of the House c. Adjournment of the business of the House
- What is Consolidate fund of India?
- To what extend can the President withhold his assent to a bill already passed by the Parliament?
- What is India’s “Look East” Policy
- What is meant by “Empowerment of India” in India?
- What is meant by Double Jeopardy
- What are the protections afforded to Scheduled tribes in the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution?
- In what ways can the President of India ascertain the views of the Supreme Court on a particular bill?
- What is the common point between Articles 14 & 226 of the Indian constitution?
- Who & what does the Indian Parliament consist of ?
- What is Habeas Corpus?
- What are the constitutional restrictions imposed upon the power of borrowings of state government?
- What is the special facility provided to the linguistic minorities under the article 350A?
- How can a judge of the Supreme Court be removed?
- How is the Election Commission of India Constituted?
- What is point of order? How can it be raised?
- What is Privilege Motion?
- State the difference between Council of Ministers & Cabinet (Repeat)
- How is the Vice President of India elected?
- What is meant by “Sine-die” adjournment?
- What is the importance of 84 th Amendment of the Indian Constitution?
- Under what Article of the Constitution can the Union Government play its role in settling Inter-state Water Dispute?
- What is the role of the protem speaker?
- What is meant by “Lame-Duck Session” of the Legislature?
- What is meant by “Fringe Areas” in the sphere of local government in India?
- Explain the Local Area Development Scheme of the Members of Parliament.
- What is ethics committee of the Lok Sabha?
- Why is it said that centre has absolute veto over state legislature?
- What is Call Attention Motion?
- When is the device of joint sitting of both houses of the parliament not available?
- What is vote on account?
- What is a caretaker government?
- Do you justify the Prime Minister’s Entry into Parliament through Rajya Sabha?
- What is privilege Motion?
- What is Contempt of Parliament?