Lately, the system of modern education has produced the reliable scientists and technocrats but has not spawned the graduates who have the integrity of mature personality . To overcome this, the concept of General Studies (GS) can be applied . GE is the implementation of the concept as a reaction to the tendency of modern society which idolize the technology products and tend to ignore human values as a result of the product of modern secular education system .
General Studies (GS) is education aimed at developing the personality of students in the community and the environment through educational programs that foster and develop all aspects of a student ‘s personality . Besides, General Studies (GS) aims to cultivate and mature understanding of the purpose of life according to the nature of science of all time .
With GS is expected that students can apply the ethical behaviours and cultured when they live in the society . General Studies (GS) programs must be maintained in the curriculum of higher education (universities), but need to be adjusted in accordance with the times.
Keeping in mind of importance of General Studies (GS), humanistic, personality, higher education system, integrity it is introduced in civil services examination, Objective questions based on general studies is asked for selection in preliminary for 200 marks, whereas in Main examination for descriptive type question is asked for 1000 marks.
Let’s begin Preparation of General Studies (GS) through test and discussion series of Career Strategists.